Home Learning Menus

Home Learning Menu

April 6th-10th

Choose at least 5 activities to complete this week (any column/row). Once you have completed an activity color that square. When you are finished with the week, take a photo of your menu and send it to your teacher.

Read a book and write or draw about it.

Draw a picture of all the clocks in your house and the time they show.

Play a board-

Build a Tower (Use different objects around your house like paper, blocks, toilet paper, etc.) Which one is strongest? How high can you go?

Write a story about a time that you felt scared.

Make a list of things that are yummy.

Do something kind for someone.

Do a science experiment in the bathtub. What sinks/floats?

Make a rain gauge/rain catcher and compare the amount of rain you catch on two different rainy days.

Do research about a topic

you are interested in.

Design your own robot.

Make a family “Severe Weather Kit.” Describe what you might need in it and why.

Help your family do a chore around the house.

Roll a dice. Then make a number that is 10 more. Write the number. (Do this 5 times)

Collect something to recycle and discuss how it will be reused.

Home Learning Menu

April 13th-17th

Choose at least 5 activities to complete this week (any column/row). Once you have completed an activity color that square. When you are finished with the week, take a photo of your menu and send it to your teacher.

Listen to a story.

Write a review of your favorite restaurant.

Keep a journal about the weather for 5 days.

Do a puzzle.

Watch a video on gonoodle

Identify and draw a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.

Which do you prefer: fruits or vegetables? Write your opinion.

Do something kind for someone.

Investigate and describe what the sun does to different surfaces. How can you stop it from warming different surfaces?

Play a board game or a card game.

Write a story about a time that you felt happy.

Say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll 2 dice and add the numbers together and write the equation. (Do this 5 times.)

Practice saying and writing all of the sounds in words. (mat = /m/ /a/ /t/)

Go outside and draw 5 different plants/trees/flowers that you see. How are they alike? Different?

Home Learning Menu

April 20th-24th

Choose at least 5 activities to complete this week (any column/row). Once you have completed an activity color that square. When you are finished with the week, take a photo of your menu and send it to your teacher.

Read a recipe, then make the food.

Help your family write a grocery list.

Make a list of words that rhyme with mat.

Make a list, then go on a scavenger hunt to find it all.

Call a friend or family member.

Write a story about something fun you’ve done recently.

Listen to a story online.

Write a review of your favorite movie or tv show.

Help your family name ways to help conserve energy.

Play a game on ABCmouse, IXL, or MobyMax

Have a dance party.

Make a “telephone” with paper cups/cans and a string. How does the sound move and travel through the string?

Read a fiction book and then draw and write about your favorite character.

Use cereal or objects you have at home to practice adding.

Watch the waves/ripples in your bath water when you move your hand small and fast then big and slow, etc.

Home Learning Menu

April 27th-May 1st 

Choose at least 5 activities to complete this week (any column/row). Once you have completed an activity color that square. When you are finished with the week, take a photo of your menu and send it to your teacher.

Push then pull an object. What happens when you use more force? Less force?

Go on a shape hunt. How many different shapes do you see? Are they 2D or 3D?

Practice writing the numbers 0-20 in sand/dirt/

shaving cream.

Write a story. First _____.

Next _____.

Then _____.

Last _____.

Write a book about something you know a lot about.

How many letters can you name in one minute?


Make a graph of things you see. (Birds, books, cars, flowers, etc.)

Design your own flag.

Have someone give you 10 words. You tell them the beginning sound of each word.

Draw a map of your home.

Find 5 toys or objects. Arrange them from shortest to longest.

Go outside and find your shadow. Make it do “The Floss.”

Go for a bike or scooter ride.

Read a book with someone and then tell about the beginning, middle, and end.

Name your town, state, and country.

Home Learning Menu

May 11th- 15th  

Choose at least 5 activities to complete this week (any column/row). Once you have completed an activity color that square. When you are finished with the week, take a photo of your menu and send it to your teacher.

Write a recipe. The ingredients are ___. The directions are ____.

Roll 2 dice and subtract the numbers. Write the equation. (Do this 5 times.)

Tell someone your phone number, birthday, and parents’ name(s).

Go for a walk or hike.

Draw a picture using online circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles. Count how many of each.

Say 10 random words and name the ending sound of each.

Read a non-fiction book and draw/write about something you learned.

Count to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s.

Write the time to the hour 3 times.

Write a story about a time that you felt excited.

Read your sight words to someone. How many can you read?

Draw the sunrise or sunset 2 different times. Talk about how they are the same/different.

Create your own alphabet book. (a picture for each letter)

Create a craft project from items you have at home.

Learn to count to 5 in Spanish.